Tel: 01543 571698

If you would like to donate towards our charity please scan the QR code and follow the link.
Community Table
Open to Everyone in the Community. No judgement. Just a warm, friendly and supportive welcome
Community Table
Open to all. Wednesdays 10am to 11am Term time only. (times and dates may vary during school holidays) Find us in the conservatory at the rear of the centre. Please note that restrictions do apply
Food Vouchers
We are able to issue food vouchers. Please speak to us if you require this support. Eligibility evidence will need to be provided. We can advise you on what this is
Free One to One Family Support available
We are not just here to help with the essentials we also have our own Family Community Worker who can provide one to one support to you and your family
Access to Information and Signposting
A problem shared is very often a problem halved. We have lots of information and contacts who may be able to help. If we don't know we can help you find out
No one in our community needs to be without food at this time
If we are unable to help or are closed you can also contact Cannock and District foodbank on 01543 422394